Emotional Upheavel

 The last week I've not been doing well. I've been on this psychotropic med, Effexor, for quite a while but it is now really starting to mess with me. I'm having crying fits that last hours, and I feel totally overwhelmed by everything.

TOmorrow I'm seeing the psychiatrist to see what we can do. how to adjust doses or change alltogether. With all that I also completely fell off the wagon for my healthy eating, and even my healthy carb choices. THe binge eating disorder I was struggling with has roared up a lot heavier.

Unfortunately I found out my current therapist is leaving the group I am with :( So now I will have to continue with someone else. And we never worked enough on the binge eating part. But I did see there is a group therapy evening on THursdays where i go for therapy where they have a group for disordered eating. Not just binge eating like me but also anorexia and bulimia. So I am considering doing that.

Until my meds are balanced again I'm trying to be nice to myself but still make healthy choices if I can as well, but if I fail I try to not turn it into a 'my whole day is ruined' thing. That thinking never made sense to me, even though I did it. I read somewhere on sparkpeople someone mention that you don't use it when you have a fender bender with your car, and say 'oh the day is ruined I'm now just going to drive around causing as many fender benders as I can manage!'. But I used to do that with eating. That image was an eye opener.

So for now, trying to be nice to self, not get too overwhelmed, and not give up. Once I get things better balanced I can restart. Also, we're going to moving in a month, another stressor! no wonder I feel like I do. But it's not all bad and being in our new place will be nice. 

Written on Tues April 14, 2015

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