Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Healthy Keto Way of Eating

 So this morning I got an email from my doctor remarking on the (290!!!) sugars I showed in the labs I had done yesterday. 290 is very much higher than normal for me, and it is a sugar level where the bod slowly gets more and more damaged. Over 140 is actually a level where neuropathy and other damage happens to the body, so it is important to limit these high sugars as much as possible.

So, i read that, and hadn't had breakfast yet, so decided to take a fasting measurement. 369!! I didn't believe it, so I tried again, 338. And I got nervous and looked up online if I should go to the ER with levels like that. Turns out some places say 400 and some 500 but at least under 400, it wasn't needed to go to the ER (Phew).

But I still, after a low carb breakfast and healthy foods (veggies, some cheese) I am still having sugars in the 290. It means I'm stressed out, ill, or something else is pulling my body out of whack (I did take my meds as prescribed today, yesterday and the day before that).

What I did read was that one of the reasons for such high sugars is a dangerous condition for type 1 diabetics called ketoacidosis. It is when the body has no insulin at all and the cells are starving, trying to burn fat to get energy because the sugar cannot enter the cells, and then the sugars rising and rising in the cells together with the ketones and the fact the body burns more and more fat, creates this condition which can be very dangerous. WebMD explains "Ketoacidosis can be caused by not getting enough insulin, having a severe infection or other illness, becoming severely dehydrated, or some combination of these things. It can occur in people who have little or no insulin in their bodies" ( http://www.webmd.com/diabetes/
ka-topic-overview )

And I had to blink a moment. I have type 2 diabetes and in my case, that means I have wayyy too -much- insulin in my body, so much that my body became resistant to it and the insulin that I make only lowers my sugars a little bit, not all that is needed. And because I eat a keto WOE (keto for ketosis, not ketoacidosis) if I did a test for ketones they would show up, because I am burning fat because I eat fat and proteins more than carbs, and that's actually healthy for me (or at least I"m losing weight and feeling fine). So, I know I'm not at risk for -ketoacidosis- but most doctors confuse the two so much that I got nervous for a moment.

If I'd had ketoacidosis my sugars would have gone higher and higher. at 400 I would have reached my personal 'well this is enough' level and gone to the ER. But instead I've had several measures today and it keeps getitng lower, though it's still a bit high, it's now (4 hours later) at 250. So, I was worrying about silliness, as I often do. It's still really complicated and if even doctors are finding it hard to keep the two apart, how are we poor lay people supposed to? Well Peter Attia explained it very well on his site, and someone who can make even a little insulin (and I make -lots-) cannot get ketoacidosis. I really like Peter Attia's blog because he can explain the science about keto level diets at a level I can follow it, and he gives sources, which I consider very important. Also, it helps me explain what is going on in my own body, which is not handling carbohydrates very well at all, so the 'mainstream agreed on' nutritional science is not usable for my body (if I would eat the mainstream suggested diabetes diet I'd be dealing with sugars this high or worse every day).

if you're interested, you can find Peter Attia's explanation on ketones here http://eatingacademy.com/nutri

Written on Tue Nov 17, 2015

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